Mannatech, my story

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This is my story, and the reason I am a staunch believer in the Mannatech products. I have a history with the products and I have been given life-giving health, due in part or in whole to foods in supplements.

I have been using Mannatech products for 15 years. I have not used them ALL days or years because of my budget, but I have used them when my finances allowed it. I have seen in my health a direct correlation to how I recover. I also know the FDA doesn't want me to share my story, because there is no benefit to the medical community if I am well and healthy. 

I have used Mannatech products as MY insurance against disease and for recovery. I have had other issues that needed a Chiropractor and surgery, but my recovery from those have been faster because of the power of food to help us with inflammation.

I now think better, feel better, live better and recover faster when I take the products consistently. I use Ambrotose as a daily food supplement and its part of my 'food budget.' I admit the products are not 'inexpensive' and not 'cheap' it's because of the high quality of manufacture and because they are not tainted with pesticides or grown in soil that needs amendments.

I have seen the ups and downs of the company leaders, but it has not changed the GREAT value the products give us as consumers. 

I used to struggle with mental battles, physical issues, internal difficulties and a load of stress. 

I used to wonder why my life was so 'hard' and why I even survived the trauma. Part of it was my bodies lacking ability to handle stress and process life. I was not given the skills to learn problems solving in life, and I sure didn't have the mental capacity to handle stress or negative influences. I was so weak and weary in life.  (It makes me weary to think of how weary and little I felt) 

I feel God has a plan for our lives. Living and surviving are two different things, and the use of Mannatech Ambrotose is a wonder and to some, it's like a miracle how well inflammation is handled.  That goes for inflammation in our minds too and that gives those with aging parents HOPE.
Before: ME on Left
After: ME on Right

This is a physical photo of how I felt and now feel INSIDE. 

It's not a miraculous product, any more than feeding a hungry person soup is miraculous. It is nutrition and it is meant to strengthen us and build us up so we can 'do life' WELL. 

I see struggles with health, mind, and anger in American society and I have to wonder If I didn't have the good nutrition from Ambrotose to build my body, would I feel the same need to act out in frustration?  I realize some of this is a spiritual battle, but our health comes before our faith.

I might not go to church and grow if I am sick and can't get there. 
I may not even serve society and do well if I am weak or depressed daily. 

I can do ALL things in Christ who strengthens me, for SURE! Phil. 4:13

We really need to take care of our health, and food is our start. Some social problems CAN be addressed with Food and Faith. 

You don't give a starving man a Bible Verse, you give him bread and soup. Then maybe, you could share where your hope comes from if he is looking and asking. 

I used to be a sick mommy, and I have terrorized and hurt my children, this is a sad, bad, mad part of my past. I had to learn to forgive myself for my illness, and subsequent actions, I know God did too. It has been a hard pill to swallow, that I have had mental illness, because I never saw a doctor, I don't have a diagnosis, but who needs a diagnosis for 'whacked out'. 

 I am FREE NOW. I hope you can tell, I AM FREE.

First, because Jesus set me free and because I trusted God, His words. Then, a supplement helped me recover my health and now I am ME! Me! God created me to be. 

I can tell you 'scary stories' of an overstressed, overtired, underloved, overworked mom and then the turn around from Mannatech supplements. But maybe you can imagine.. EEK. 

It isn't pretty. But I had faith to not give up or go on drugs or any numbing products. I felt it all, I felt my children's pain, from my perspective and it took me a very long time to feel healthy - for the first time. Mom's its a sad sad thing to take on the pain of another, it's too much. If you have that bad of a situation, GET OUT or Get Help.

I was a 'sickly' child and maybe that pulled things out of me, like health. 
I was not treated well by family and that affected me, I believed I was the reason they treated me with anger. 
I was a victim of my brother's suicide, that changed my life and our whole family. 
I was co-dependant. Bummer!

Now, I am just quirky me! Not sure what others think of me, but I am pretty much loving the Me I am today. Not in every area, but I am accepting of myself until Love is full-on in me. God's love grows in me, each day.

I know God is love. I know Fear is not love. I know my faith set me free from pains, hurts, crazy-making and mood swings. It took a lot of time, but then that's what a great Potter does. 

He loves the clay until the item is pulled up and strong. Then its fired, glazed and FIRED again. What use are we if there are no firings to reveal the air bubbles or weaknesses? Life has a way of exposing us and then showing us how to reach up to a Loving Father.

This is a great video with The Potter as a Teacher.

Some of us need a bit more time to become what we are. 
Let's be patient and love until then. 

Mannatech. A company of destiny and blessing. 
Don't let a little thing like money stand in your way to better health. 

I take Ambrotose daily.
Plus was my lifeline, since it modulates your hormones, I used to take 6 a day, now its as needed. 
GiPro, and GiZyme have helped my gut become balanced.
Sport helps me as an older person who hikes or walks or moves furniture around the house- like a 'Weekend Warrior' we need help in our recovery of muscle fatigue. 

I have taken almost all the products, but have not really done much with the make up line. I use my own soap and I use Young Living for my skin.


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