Solo Travel for Women

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Remember to keep your 'Radar ON at all times'

I have traveled alone since I was 11 years old. My first flight from CA to IL, my Mom was so scared for me she read a book about Air travel and told me all the safety features of the airplane.  I wasn't scared, she was. :)

"Out of the 30 million commercial flights in 2014, there were 21 fatal accidents, which means that you had a 0.000007 chance of being onboard any one of those flights.
It was 1973 and I was flying alone to Illinois. 
Fast forward to 1982, I flew to England alone.
Again, fast forward to 2003, I went to Fiji alone. 
Another time I took a tour to San Felipe, Mexico and Las Vegas alone. 
I am not ever alone and since I was 18, I knew that. "I will never leave you or forsake you"  Deut. 31;6, Hebrews. 13:5. Do you know you are never alone? NEVER. Not in the ocean, or on a high mountain, not in the dark caves or in a depressing situation. God is there, just trust Him and ask Him for help.  Traveling Solo, doesn't mean 'alone'. ***
I drove to Montana last year for a 'look see' and drove solo both ways from California. I am aware danger is out there, but I believe if I listen to the Holy Spirit and obey God, I am in good company. If I don't listen... well let's say the consequences could be scary or worse. 
I understand we all have fears, some big, some small. I have been training my mind, with God's help to 'take every thought captive', I am not 100% successful, but I do aim for that goal. 
God has been teaching me to praise Him in ALL things. ALL. 
Phil 4:4
Ps 34:1
1 Thes 5:8
Ps 63:3-4

Ps 150:6

So many people are afraid of being alone, in a quiet place, with no sounds, no interaction, nothing to help them pass the time. This is NOT me. I have been a stay-at-home mom for over 35 years and a stay at home wife before that. I am used to entertaining myself and having a lot of quiet time. 

Hours and days can pass and I am not feeling alone or lonely. Truly I believe, God is with me and I talk/ pray as if He is with me and alive. God is not some 'figment' of my imagination. 

I have asked Him for help, counsel, guidance, wisdom, healing, and no matter what I ask, or need I have received an answer. There are times the answer has come before I asked. 

"God's Phone number Is 65:24"

Isaiah 65:24 

24 Before they call I will answer;
    while they are still speaking I will hear.

Could I go out and travel alone/ solo without this assurance? Sure, many people do. I am not that person tho. If you knew my background of being with 'Lamplighters" practically my whole life, you would understand I did not gain the skills needed for self-assurance, but quite the opposite. I learned to doubt everything I thought, every conclusion I came to. I could not trust my own mind. 

I am 58 and after 20 years of counsel and prayer, I am a confident woman. This was not an easy journey, to overcome the lies in my mind, but my focus and balance came from God. 

I am sure you have learned to grow in areas you formerly were weak, and if you are feeling led or desire to travel I say start with prayer. Timing is everything. Everything. 

Don't eat a cake that is partially cooked, wait for the whole cook time. 
Don't drive your car on wet cement, wait for the curing. 
Don't buy a new car with no seats, wait for the finished product. 

In God's wisdom, He knows when we are 'done' for the next project. I waited 20 years for this travel, this journey, this Adventure. 
Watch for me, on the road, or next to a stream somewhere. 

Next post, safety on the road as a solo traveler. Pre-trip. 

. *** I DO use Solo and Alone interchangeably, this is not a deviation from my meaning, just a language hiccup. I am used to saying 'alone' when I mean solo.


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