For those with Macular Degeneration
(having issues with my font sizes, working on it)I am learning the challenges and struggles for those with Macular Degeneration. I do not have it myself, but my mom does.
So I made this page for those with special needs visually.
I am including a list of places that can help you too.
If you are a web designer, Black/White/ Bold/ Simple Fonts are best.
Magnifiers, Large fonts on the computer (I highly recommend Apple products*, the customer service is REALLY GREAT)
Mom purchased an Apple *iMac for better visual helps and for the training. We went to a class at our local Apple store, and they are really the best at training their customers to use Apple products. Mom is 85 and had to be one of the oldest in the class, and she understood how to use her new computer, like a 'Champ!'. She really loves the friendly, patient, understanding way they explain things to her, I think she would adopt them all. :)
The three things I have posted below do earn a commission, nothing extra to you, but they have been a big help to our family as we transition to less sight.
As you can see there is a Lamp that is magnified, this is important because of the darkness in they eyes.
Below that is the address book, for your passwords, addresses and phone numbers.
We actually printed the numbers on paper at a large font (18-20font) and then pasted them into the book using 'post it adhesive', it is removable as needed.
Thirdly, is the "TalkingPen", this has been a God-send to us. I can not always be there with my mom, so she can get the pen (which is designed for those who are completely blind), and listen to the recording. I will try to post a video.
If you have any questions, I am happy to help. I am not a doctor, but I am a daughter, sister, and mother. I care, and hope I can help you with your new 'adventure'.
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