I am at Peace.

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Such a great place to start. This is my life and tho there be hardship or struggles, it is a great life. 

I heard of a VERY tragic accident in the east of the USA today and I am heartbroken. My 'hero's of America- our Marines' were cut down and I am just so sad. 

I could have an 'accident'  on my trip too, but in God's plan, there are NO accidents. 
His plan is perfect for me, even if my life is shortened by another. 

Do not wish me back, or for longer life on earth, know God has been leading me and has saved my life already. 

Jesus saved me from Hell, from me, from depression, from abuse and hurts. 

I am at peace. 

I am alive, and so are you. 

ENJOY that gift, as well as you can. 

June 24, 2019


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