Deep Thoughts, Controversy and God

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I am exploring an idea. It's a deep idea and deep thought is needed. 

Where is God? Did He abandon us to our own devices? I am searching for answers. 

He didn't leave and I pray we take notice of all His care and remember He is full of Love, I feel we the church are largely forgetting Him, and His power. Show me differently, be the difference. I pray this for all of us. 

The rain, the storms, the strong weather events, the blood moons, the signs in the sky are all from Him. Wake up oh sleeper, are you seeking God with a whole heart or just 'lip service'. I ask myself the same thing and ask God to reveal hidden secrets. I want to be pure before God, and His pure love for me.

Did you know the Rainbow is not just a cool event, it's a Promise from God that He will not flood the earth again? He keeps His promises, all of them, even the judgment ones.
 I  wonder if we have forgotten He will never leave us ( we are never alone ), Have we forgotten we are the temple of the Holy Spirit ( what do you injest, that is a problem for you )

 I struggle with CHEESE- on tacos, in quesadillas, on pizza, ... :(  The struggle is real! So do not think this is a judgemental post, just asking questions of all of us. 
(I know my words are sometimes more FRANK than needed, I hope to learn how to write in a gentle form as I blog. (I am aware, I ask for forgiveness)

Do not think He has ignored our crimes and sins in the church*. He is a God of second chances, but we need to repent and turn back to Him NOW, we are told to 'confess your sins', 'humble yourself'. 
It's a subtle lie to think 'I don't think THIS matters, it's a tiny thing I am doing', 'God is sooooooo far away', 'He can't see, and surely He doesn't care.'

*1 Peter 4:17

This is a lie, a big lie, a dangerous lie, a lie of compromise. Anytime we start to believe a lie, we are not listening to God, but the father of lies. 

What if this happened? On your next flight, the Pilot comes on the speaker and says,
 'Ladies and Gentleman, we are headed into a huge thunderstorm but don't worry, the safety briefing you heard was a joke, just go about your business, don't worry. Have a great flight." 

You would hope the pilot was not serious, and yet as a professional, you trust them to tell the truth. With God, we expect Truth, He also expects us to walk in Truth.
"Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart." Psalm 51:6

What is Truth, you may ask? God's Word, the Bible
Psalms 19:1, Romans 1:19-21 speak of Gods' Truth. 

The Reverand Billy Graham said:
I believe it is not possible to understand everything in the Bible intellectually. One day some years ago I decided to accept the Scriptures by faith. There were problems I could not reason through. When I accepted the Bible as the authoritative Word of God—by faith—I found immediately that it became a flame in my hand. That flame began to melt away unbelief in the hearts of many people and to move them to decide for Christ.
The Word became a hammer, breaking up stony hearts and shaping men into the likeness of God. Did not God say, “I will make my words in thy mouth fire” (Jer. 5:14), and “Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jer. 23:29)?

Truth is NOT what we think it is, it's what God says it is. His ways are higher than our ways. Is. 55:8-9

Our nation has been in the grips of unbridled passion and anger for years.  I am old enough to see a pattern arising.  The uprising happened in the 1960''s and for a while, it seemed America was going to split and the chaos was intense. We have been experiencing it again for a few years. The horrible hate against our police and military is a real serious threat to all our safety. We need to stop and find Jesus again, He is a God of unity, love, forgiveness, and power. No man can hurt us, what are we afraid of? Let love, let God be your reason to live, not anger, or hatred. I am speaking to those who confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Us, the church of God. We need to assess our thoughts and actions, God is going too.

I see it in the natural and the Spiritual realm.  We gave up on God's power and wanted to do life on our own terms to do things our way. We are now living with the results of this choice. I know as parents we hold the key to our children's education, not the schools. We are called to teach our children, how God works in our lives, how He directs and provides for us.
 Deut. 11:19

 The results of our choices came in.

Anger, frustration, killing, porn, abortion, slander, a serious lack of unity and division and that is in His family, the church.

You may say, "what killing have we done?! I am not a murderer."

 The truth is abortion is in the church**. Are we in denial to this? Boys and Girls know better, but they are physically active and some get pregnant and some choose abortion. It's not for us to condemn, but we do need to teach our children what is happening to the baby when it's killed. 

The murder of an innocent is bad enough, but what is worse is the sadistic way these children are killed. It's horrendous, and people thought that the Germans did was bad, we need to repent and stop denying this is happening. Thankfully, some American Doctors are starting to turn away from the killing they have done, but it's not without challenges. 

Money is a god. Money is a tool, money is a crutch. Money and shame are powerful forces. 

I pray for the Doctors who have done abortions, and those who have had abortions. This hits close to home for me. I am hoping to start a conversation in the church. Let's be honest with what is happening and teach our children self-control at an early age. 

Teach them how bad abortion is, for the baby, for the mom, for the dad, and grandparents. 
Sure some will choose this route still, but education is a great deterrent. Forgiveness will trump all bad choices. 

  • In 2014, 30% of aborting women identified themselves as Protestant and 24% identified themselves as Catholic (AGI).


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