What is the Story? What is the Story of Life?
I have driven high and low, over and under. I am not sure what is next, but then does anyone?
WE like to plan, keep safe, do our daily routine. What if life is "Out THERE" ??
I do know this:
1. Jesus is my friend and Leader
2. I can trust God to show me His path
3. Life is not meant to be 'routine'
4. Exploring new horizons is faith producing
5. I want to live a 'Non Normal' life
6. I want to love, no matter what is happening around me
7. I have dreams, unfulfilled
8. Taking this road trip has been a prayer of freedom coming true (An Answered prayer, of 20 years)
9. I do NOT know what is next and am pretty 'OK' with that
10. I pray for a place of my own, on land of my own.
Today, I praise God
Today, I love His plan
Today, I deal with any 'doubts' that enter my mind.
Today I Trust the God of Creation.
What about you? What is new with you? What challenges are you facing?
Are your water pipes broken? Are there more bills than month to go around?
Is your dog or cat ill and you have to make a hard decision?
Do you have a flat tire, in the snow?
Are you feeling overwhelmed with daily 'doings'?
I hope you wil turn to God, who knows YOU and all you are trying to handle.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.
I ask myself, "Why do some understand God's love, compassion, friendship, salvation message, care, concern, passion...." more than others?
Is it a work of Gods Spirit, or our seeking God? Or Both?
We are to humble ourselves (James 4:10)
in the Sight of the Lord.
What if you don't 'see Him?
What if you want: to see God, to know God, but are not able? What if you are blind? What is a blind person to do?
Struggle on? Accept defeat? Accept God is invisible, and outside your 'view'?
The verse says to humble yourself. A proud heart God rejects (James 4:6-7)
So, we have a choice.
It's not to get educated, or do more 'works', but humble yourself.
It's not to get educated, or do more 'works', but humble yourself.
Admit you can not see God, or know God in your own efforts. Ask and ask and ask humbly for His revelation to you.
Right now.... there are 2 BILLION Christians in the world.
In the face of persecution, death, dismemberment, loss of family, job, shaming...
What did Jesus Christ do, that so many are willing to forgo comforts, in this life?
He lived a sinless life and became the payment for OUR sins so we could have access to God. Nothing but sacrificial love was on His mind and a relationship with You.
We fail Him, renege on our promises, "oh God, I will stop smoking if you but heal my child" and then 'we forget our promise'.
You know what? God said in Genesis that He would never flood the earth, so He sent the rainbow. He IS TRUTH, so His Truth is foundational and Trustworthy.
Genesis 9:11
His covenant is Bond. His promises are Real and
Jesus came to fulfill the debt we owed to God for our sins. (Genesis 3) Just like in many cultures, in history, a sin debt must be paid.
"Someone/something has to die, to pay for sins"
Baal worship, Judaism, Aztec cultures among a few.
Our ideas may be wrong about the proper way to please God, but He told us in the Old Testament and then BECAME our pure sacrifice to please God, because even shedding the blood of rams or doves won't please forever.
He put us before His own life, THAT is pure love. What a heart-wrenching idea, that to redeem us, He willingly chose death- FOR US. I owe Him my life, as a thank you.
1John 4:10
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
This is pure love. Alas, we Christians are imperfect, we mess up BIG TIME and we can end up confusing those who might be interested in knowing God, by being hypocrites to what we profess... It is unfortunate and yet God doesn't even need us, to share His love.
His creation makes Him clearly seen.
Romans 1;20
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
God is the one we need to seek, as the path in the wilderness of life. Look for the path to freedom, not following the other 'lost souls'. (or souls that are not in Unity with God's truth).
Yes, many who follow God are still lost in some ways. They may have terrible pains that distort their view of freedom, they may have mental or emotional issues. If they profess faith in Jesus, that is the Truth that gives them freedom from hell.
You may be surprised who really enters God's Kingdom, remember to seek God/ Jesus/ Truth, not people. It is not our 'judgment of a person', it is God's that matters.
You can begin by reading the Gospel of John in the King James, or New King James Bible.
John has a letter of freedom that expresses Gods love and power.
What is the Story? What would you do if God came to Judge our souls TODAY?
Today is the Feast of Trumpets. The day in history that 1 Corintians 15 speaks of:
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For uthe trumpet will sound, and vthe dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
what a humbling thing it will be to experience this supernatural event- When it happens. Remember what James says, 'Humble yourself..." You sure don't want to be humbled by the Everlasting Judge of Creation.
He came to set us free, live in THAT freedom.
If you want to know God, to KNOW Love, He will grant that request. I know He will, He promises it.
Deuteronomy 4:29
Proverbs 8:17
Jeremiah 29:13
Matthew 7:7
Luke 11:9;
Acts 17:24-28
Maybe, He just wants to know you are sincere?
What is the Story? Is it History?
His Story in your life?
Where did you come from?
Where are you going?
What will happen when you pass away?
Photos: by TLP
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