Plumas! Plumas! Plumas!
I heard about this event from a friend of mine.
I may not get the details exact, but the 'gist' is here:
She and I were talking about how God has supernaturally protected us and how God's word can be trusted, eloquently and absolutely.
This is the story I remember:
My friends' friend was walking to and from work each day and the later was late at night.
She was tempted to go through the cemetery to save time but was scared since it was dark and sometimes unsavory people hung out there. On this night she decided to chance it. Maybe it was cold, or rainy or she was just willing to take that risk, for a shorter route.
As she went through the graves she was surprised by some men who meant her harm, and she was so scared she wanted to say Psalm 91 but it didn't come to mind in her fright.
She screamed in her native tongue, "PLUMAS!", "PLUMAS!", "PLUMAS!". I don't know how many times she shouted this, but the effect was immediate and real.
The men may have seen an angel or may have been scared of HER or something. But all I remember was that the men ran away from the lady and she felt safe and made it home safe.
She called on God's Word and He answered. We serve a faithful God, even if we forget the verse or how it goes. His Spirit brought the 'intent' to her mind and she knew FEATHERS, FEATHERS, FEATHERS.
This is the verse she 'remembered'.
Psalm 91:
I hope you find your peace in God's Word and His promises. Since I have been a Believer for 40 years. I have found His love, grace, miracles, favor, protection, sanity, clarity, healing power to be REAL and yes I do have a BIG imagination, but I can't imagine living without Him and His protection.
Sometimes I have experienced Supernatural protection. The things I have actually experienced confirm His power and Word. My imagination could not give me peace when I am in a traumatic situation.
I do not have to make God up, He has shown His love to me. He is real, as real as these words.
Shalom, my friend, I pray for you to find your peace in His loving arms and under His protective grace.
Great story!! Keep writing my friend!