What faces can you make, happy, sad, joyous, surprised?

My faces vary: happy, silly, frustrated, sad. I crack myself up making faces. 

I have been told my resting face looks 'angry' even when I am not feeling angry, but I guess I look angry/frustrated. I am sorry for that, I think it's off-putting'. I am working on my normal resting face as pleasant. Sure I feel corny, but its good practice for me and my face muscles. Sort of like practicing good posture is good for my core and back muscles. 

I like to make faces, here are a few, for your laughter or curiosity.

Oh boy, that bear is giant! I'm glad he's in a box. I'd be scared if I saw him in person... alive! 

I was in Alaska and Iceland but never saw any Polar Bears. I don't think they are in those areas in August/September. They do live in Alaska and Canada, and I could have seen them but didn't on this trip. 

Life has many surprises and events that you can't plan for. So smile, it's going to happen :)

I had a train crossing bar on my stalled car roof as a teen - but lived to get out. I was in London, England when a bomb was ignited. I was in Fiji and was saved from rape and molestation while on a car trip. I don't always know what the danger is ahead of time, but I know God has protection in store for me. 

I know He has protection for you too. Trust your 'radar' and inner voice, when It is trying to help you decide if  REAL danger is nearby.

I hope that you find your nerves are calm and at peace, in these days of caution and concern. Trusting Him is  #1/ First/ Primo on that list. 

I hope you have laughter to fill your days and minds, that is the spice that never goes out of flavor. 

I have my song, my laughter, my dances, my drawing to keep me busy, what do you find to do? Making my silly faces make me smile, I guess that's something. 

I sure hope you can find a way to cope with this new life of COVID-19 reality. Is it forever? NO! Nothing is forever, except heaven and life in the hereafter. Are you ready for that event? 
Are you ready to meet Jesus as King and Lord of ALL? I hope you reach out to Him as your Savior and Lord and that means God is your Father and friend. 

Let me know if you are looking for God, He is waiting for you. 

Rev. 3:20

Ecc: 3:3
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Let me know what you think is important for your health and mental health. I know how I cope, and yes its a daily challenge to keep our focus. 

Do you make faces for fun? 


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