Just a dream, a prayer, a thought...
Who does this? Plans, dreams, does cost analysis? I do. I think, well if the numbers don't work out then its possible the plan is not good.
I have not ever felt that my faith was to superseded my plan to move out, move forward. One day it will take my faith and courage to move out alone.
I am 57, and have never lived alone. That seems strange to me, but then I have a friend, who is in her 70's and she has never lived alone.
I think for 'stay at home Moms' it is not uncommon to live with others and never live alone- ever.
We are content with simpler things, I have learned contentment, in the stillness of the night.
I have learned contentment in the disappointments of the day. I have learned contentment in the council of God.
His plans for me were not what I thought best, or right, but after years of weeping and crying and praying, fasting and experiencing closed doors ** (another story for another day) I have been learning His Quiet Rest is just what the 'Doctor' ordered. Science and Faith determined that rest was best!
When you have been in the military, as I have, you learn submission. It doesn't mean you want to submit always, but that there is a chain of command, and that is there for our protection. In the case of men or women leading they can make mistakes, and there are consequences, for others and themselves.
In the case of God the One who never makes mistakes EVER we can trust Him. There are consequences for not listening to His Spirit, His council. Lack of Peace. Lack of Direction. Missing out on His best.
We are the most stubborn, arrogant, will full people. He knows this and still loves us. Do you love a child that is extremely disobedient? Do you love a child that is will full? Do you want the best for them, and keep training their minds? Of course you do, being a parent is the hardest, most under appreciated 'profession' there is. We have to be on top of our game, and pray for wisdom for each child.
Living alone means my mothering days are over and if I did my job right, I have a son or daughter I can talk to with respect and it returns back to me. That is a friendship, bound by blood.
I don't know if I will live alone, but I do know I will never BE alone. I have God. God has me.
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