Safety on the road as a Solo Traveler

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Safety as a Solo Traveler

The things I have gleaned, via reading, listening, blog posts and videos is to be aware. 

Aware is a close relative of beware, "look out for." Julius Caesar is famously warned to "beware the ides of March." Too bad he's not aware of why. Beware and aware share the root ware, from an Old English word meaning "careful." Be aware of your purse at all times, and beware of the snatch-and-grab thief.

Sure, you can get a gun, dog, pepper spray, bear spray or wasp spray. Any of those will be one form of deterrent or another, but BEWARE of your surroundings and listen to your God-given Radar. 

It's the part of you 'sensing' before you understand the why. 

"I get the Willies around him"
"She is creepy"
"They give me a bad feeling"

"I sensed something was off", is often said AFTER the person didn't pay close attention to the Radar notification. 

I had a situation once and it seemed 'friendly' at first, but later I had a 'warning' in my Spirit and I ignored it. I was not in danger that time, but what happened scared me and I learned real fast to listen to that warning. 

I know some say, I had a person follow me and I was so scared.  We need to mind our mind. Don't makeup situations, just to scare yourself. When I 'hear something outside', I pray, "should I be concerned, or get my crowbar?" When I 'hear' nothing, I realize its a cat, raccoon, or just a person walking by. 

 I do NOT understand the need to be scared and watch Thriller movies. For me, it deadens the God-given 'sense'  to be aware of the danger. Why numb it?
I think desensitization is never good. Yet, we do it all the time. 

We watch violence, explicit sexual content, horror or thriller movies. I feel it is a way to desensitize our hearts and emotions. 

We just need to live clean, pure lives and be aware. 

If you go out drinking at night, and then walk home or back to your hotel alone, and you are 'impaired' you are not going to know danger very well. 

Stay clean and sober and you will have a better chance of safety. 

You think you can't have fun without the 'substance', well you just need to hang around me. 
Whitewater raft, surf, get up and watch the world at 5am, explore a waterfall and stand under the power of the fall, skydive, drive a race car on a track, gallop on a horse, dance or sing karaoke. Any of these are really exciting and fulfilling when you become centered and self-aware. 

You do not have to please anyone, but God. Really. You might not think so, but God says so, 
Acts 5;29 "We must please God, rather than man"

Ok, the things I know about safety, besides the above:

1. Act confident, and sure
2. Ask for directions, in a store, as opposed to outside on the street. You look vulnerable. 
3. Be willing to hurt someone to protect yourself. 
4. You are a valuable person, do not allow bad stuff to happen. Defend yourself. 
5. Keep your travel documents under your shirt/ pants hidden and get them out in a bathroom, as needed. 
6. IF you are being bullied, SCREAM Murder. Scream as if your life depends on it. 
7. Dress nice, but not as an attention getter. 
8. Keep that radar ON and be aware of any 'disturbances in the 'force'.
9. Have a dog with you, if that is available or helpful. 
10. If you have a gun, know how to use it and don't play games. If you have to use it, you can't take the bullet back, but also it's there for protection. 
11. Your life is what matters, the rest is replaceable. 
12. Be aware of Con's and games. People are friendly, but don't get pulled into a scam. 
13. Don't be the one to help the helpless, unless its openly in public and stays that way. #

.... more as I learn and grow.

#  this is for solo traveling, not general purpose. Be kind and helpful, but even in your hometown, don't be so comfortable you let your Radar battery get low. 


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