Who Am I and How did I get here to this blog?
Who am I?
This is a nutshell view of who I am today.
A Lover of Life, Truth, Love, Fun, Protection of those who can't speak up for themselves*. Life = Jesus
Jesus = Truth
Love = Life and Truth and Jesus
I am a former: Homeschooling mom of five children, CA resident, rat race participant, fearful person.
I am facing my life head-on, on my terms and with prayer as a first and foremost and long term. I lean on God's words as Truth and I do not lean on my own understanding. Prov. 3:5-6
I have done things differently my whole life and I am now doing this Adventure in the same way. I hope to live and learn and experience what God is doing in America and possibly Mexico and Canada.
I believe in so many ideas that are not popular i.e: Sustainable housing, walking barefoot, cob ovens, not vaccinating willy nilly, making my own soap instead of buying it, homeschooling, home birth... I never have felt I fit in this world. I have lived life, been hurt, forgiven others, loved, been rejected, forgiven Others, been abandoned, forgiven OTHERS and still love God, trust God and know God is my reason for living. Jesus gave me life, I am now going out and living and hopefully finishing my books.
My God is a loving God and requires only my heartfelt love. I don't know of any other 'religion' that can claim this.
I love God, He loves me. Nothing is needed for me to prove my love, not a sacrifice (yet I give Him a sacrifice of PRAISE, Hebrews 13:15), not a gift (but I give him my life as a gift).
I am calling this my 'Walk About'
based on the Australian Aboriginal idea that you need to connect with the 'out there' to find your 'in here' (my paraphrase of the idea) I am happy my family supports me in love, to do this adventure.
I will go where I am led, I will live on the kindness of strangers and family in Christ Jesus/ Yeshua Hamashiach.
I know my reason for living, I am now 'out there' to find YOURS. I am looking for what God is doing in Your life in love and power. Contact me.
One thing I do is a dance with abandon when I am in music.
If you would like to help or support this Walk About, please pray for God's wisdom, protection, guidance, and power. Financial gifts are wonderful if you are le,. Just go to Paypal.com and put in my email address:
* The Unborn, Elderly, Abused, Homeless, any person who can't speak up for themselves.
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