Signs. What are you looking for? What is the sign you are waiting to see?
I have had a tendency to want signs to lead me in life.
Is this idea from God? Can our human tendency want a 'sign' distract us from faith and trust in His Word?
I realize God uses many varied things along WITH His Word to confirm our path or a decision in life. We can trust Him to speak to us directly using the Bible, and a relationship with God. Holy Spirit is also part of the revelation.
Think of this as a child and father relationship. (which it is)
God is a good good Father and wants our love. Love that is thankful, kind to others, generous, and forgiving.
He showed us what that's like, when His son came to create a bridge that connects us to God.
Hmmm, maybe your father was absent
or created mayhem or was just an average guy. No harm was meant, but he probably did harm you in some way. God isn't like that. He really is perfect.
Can you believe God, the creator of the universe wants to adopt you and me? I needed a dad to love me, talk to me, guide me, I didn't get that. My dad was harsh, angry, serious and grieving when I grew up. Maybe your dad was absent, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It does affect us, and yet a loving person wants to be with you, and live in you.
How's that for belonging! He-God will never leave you alone.
The signs may say otherwise, so be sure to follow His Word.
I don't follow signs today, I hear God's voice (after much time now knowing His voice), and can know if my choice is good or bad, loving or harmful.
I listen to good radio and podcasts that encourage my faith and my spiritual life.
What do you do? Tell me how you feel closer to God and know His directions for your life.
Let's get to know each other and our Creator today.
Thanks for reading.
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