When you are not sure, God is So Sure!

I am starting to download some of the ideas, thoughts, dreams, and lessons God revealed to me on my 9045 mile road trip. 

You may think I was alone, but that is far from the truth. The Truth is God is with me, in my heart and promised to never leave me or forsake me. I am His child and have been adopted into His family and He shows His care and love in so many ways. 

Here is one instance:

I checked on my cell phone for messages when I was near Denali National Park and heard from Mom that John her companion of 14 years was sick and being taken off the ship and into Reykjavik, Iceland to be admitted to the hospital. (she and John were on a 35 day cruise, as I drove to Alaska).

I asked mom if I should come to Iceland and she said no, it was fine, John was being treated and she was at a nice place called Hotel Holt.  So I continued to drive on to Fairbanks, Alaska.

As I drove into Fairbanks, AK and saw this view, it was so large and full of life I had a hard time expressing my wonder. It was part of a project by George Parks. The name George Parks, was a gentle reminder of my best friend growing up and how I missed her, her dad is also George Parks. 

As I drove into Fairbanks on a Saturday I only knew I wanted to see the area and hopefully see the Northern Lights and Pan for Gold. 

I arrived at 4 pm, had some soup at the Pumphouse, and later found Walmart and where I would sleep that night. 

I got ready to sleep in my car and could not have imagined what the next 24 hours would hold. 

I called my mom the next morning because she had called in the night as I slept. I had the phone off so I called Iceland on Sunday morning. She was frantic because of the difficulty in getting around Iceland without a companion to help her navigate her way. Her blindness was a real problem and she had gotten lost and was really needing a helper. 

I asked her again, 'Mom, do you want me to come to Iceland?' and this time she said yes. I told her I would find a flight and let her know. It is God who paved the way, and I found a flight for later that day and It would get me to Iceland on Tuesday morning. She just had to wait 36 hours or so for me to get there. 

I got to Iceland on Tuesday at 5am and was there for two weeks. 

This next part is what I find comforting Now. 

I returned to Fairbanks after 3 weeks away and it was 12:40am. Air temps at 39 and I had to find my car and navigate my way to the Walmart at 1am. 

I did not have my data turned on or was too tired to pull out my phone, so I just drove in the general direction and tried to think of the layout of the city. I had only been there for part of a day before I left, so my directions were not really good in my mind. 

I drove toward the road I 'thought' would take me to Walmart. I prayed and drove and prayed for God to lead me. I was now downtown Fairbanks and that was nowhere near what I needed. I was getting a bit flustered and prayed again. 

I drove up a road and after about 20 minutes, I started to see some familiar sights, a Gas Station here and a VIP dry cleaners on a corner not too far from Walmart. 

I drove up the street another 1000 feet and found Walmart! 
Praise God! 

He directed me in my tired, worn-out state.  I trusted Him to be my 'guide' and I knew He would lead me and He did!

I am so thankful for His leading in my life. A personal GPS! God's Provisional Supervisor.

I am in a similar position now. I am 'homeless' and I am seeking His direction again. 

I am looking for a place to call my own, so I can have some quiet, space and a place to call my 'own' for a time. 

I do not know what the future holds, but I am confident that my Friend is leading me. 
I look forward to His timing and a joyous revelation. 

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my Friend?


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